I woke up one night at 2:30am-ish and boom. Light bulb.
This series focuses follows the spnsr mnstr startup journey. Be sure to sign up for early access when we’re ready at spnsrmnstr.com.
I’m not one of those hard core, professional productivity people with a dream journal next to my bed. It’d be pretty empty as I rarely remember my dreams. It’s ok tho, don’t cry for me Argentina.
I do however catch the tail end of the random dream when I (always) wake up in the middle of the night. (Welcome to your late 40s.) Oftentimes I laugh at myself as whatever fleeting memory of the dream seemed rather preposterous the more awake I become. There’s a psychology term for this I learned in college, where the dream would seem completely ludicrous to someone fully conscious, yet to us in our dream it’s all perfectly normal. At least I know there is a word, whatever that word is. (Again, welcome to your late 40s.)
So it was odd that on this night, the instant I woke up two words popped into my head out of nowhere in the darkness: sponsor monster. As I stumbled to the bathroom and the haze of sleep began to lift I realized this time I was not laughing at myself. This time the entrepreneur, the creative director, the marketer all at once sang out in unison, “Dude, that’s a pretty good idea.”
As I returned to bed I then did what anyone does at 2:30am-ish when they get a great idea, I checked godaddy for the domain name, and then second, TESS for quick trademark search.
Laying there in the dark the ideas came quickly, turning two words into the genesis of a business idea, one that we will be sharing with you more and more over the coming months.
Without any funding we will be building an MVP on bubble.io’s no code platform. Since we’ve never used it before, that will be a journey in and of itself. See more on why we chose bubble.io in this spnsr mnstr dev blog entry.
For now, all I can say is it is a place where brands and creators, public figures and athletes can build lasting sponsorships. Pretty vague and marketing-y. That statement will become clearer and more focused as we progress down the road map towards launch.
Sign up for early access at spnsrmnstr.com.
Watch this space for more!
– head mnstr 😈